Sometimes in the smallest things lay the key element of our pure expression of what we are.

It is often that our sentimental values are higher for objects not bigger than the size of our hand palm.
I'm sure we all have at home some brought by souvenirs from holidays that are "injected" with so many memories and stories we can share over and over again. Those objects and stories and emotions attached to them are our sources of happiness.
Evoking happiness from the objects around us is our secret weapon against stress - our inner strength that can help us overcome any obstacles life throws at us. Yes… even Monday mornings.

We all know how vital our happiness is, but it sometimes feels like an uphill struggle to achieve it. Occasionally, we need a little push or reminder of how vital it is - and how to bring more light into our lives and homes.

Saying all that, let us finish with a thought that even a simple candle, can light up the room and our mood.

Find your candle or any other object that attracts you at our SOBA selection and enjoy it, you deserved it.